Adams, Ansel (photographs). YOSEMITE AND THE RANGE OF LIGHT. |
£24.00 |
116 b/w photographs. Long landscape 4to. Introduction by Paul Brooks. Inscription on front endpaper. Otherwise fine in fine dustwrapper. A lovely volume. 1979 New York Graphic Society, Boston. |
£55.00 |
170pp. Index of places and artists. 4to. Catalogues 237 19th century pictures and photographs of scenes in what is now Pakistan. Illustrated in colour and b/w. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1996 Reprint, Ferozsons, Lahore. |
Allana, Rahaab and Kumar, Pramod. PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, |
£21.00 |
Coloured Portraiture in India. The Alkazi Collection of Photography. 88pp. 4to. Card covers. Fine. 2008 Mapin, India and Grantha, New Jersey. |
£15.00 |
240pp. Index. Using the interview material collected for the radio series of 1974. Most attractive new edition with many additional illustrations in colour and b/w from fine paintings and outstanding period photographs. Fine. Not issued in dustwrapper. 1985 First thus, Century. |
Amin, Mohamed, Willetts, Duncan and Tetley, Brian. KARACHI. |
£16.00 |
136pp. 4to. Many colour photographs. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1986 First edition, Pak-American, Karachi. |
£12.00 |
The Indian Desert Thaar. 167pp. 4to. Index. Colour photographs by Vivek Anand. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1982 First edition, Scorpion. |
£10.00 |
The Indian Desert Thaar. 167pp. 4to. Index. Colour photographs by Vivek Anand. Signed by the author. Very good in very good dw. Owner's name. 1982 First edition, Scorpion. |
Baker, Sophie. IMAGES OF INDIA. |
£10.00 |
144pp. Index. Colour photographs with an introduction by Dervla Murphy. Fine in fine dw. 1989 First edition, Pyramid Books. |
Baldizzone, Tiziana and Gianni (photograph). BRAHMAPUTRA. |
£16.00 |
Tales from the River. 240pp. 4to. Map. Superb colour photographs. Following the river from Tibet to the sea with history of exploration Fine in fine dw. 1998 Local Colour, Hong Kong. |
Baroda, Maharaja of. THE PALACES OF INDIA. |
£24.00 |
4to. 245pp. Essays about thirty princely states, many not often covered. Illustrated with photographs, many in colour, by Virginia Fass. Very good in chipped dw. Bookplate. 1981 Reprint, Collins. |
Barr, Pat and Desmond, Ray. SIMLA. |
£32.00 |
A Hill Station in British India. 108pp. 4to landscape. 46pp text and 59pp of plates of photographs of 19th century Simla. Essay on 'Photography in nineteenth-century India'. Fine in very good dw. An excellent copy. 1979 Reprint, The Scolar Press. |
Barr, Pat and Desmond, Ray. SIMLA. |
£35.00 |
A Hill Station in British India. 108pp. 4to landscape. 46pp text and 59pp of plates of photographs of 19th century Simla. Fine in near-fine dustwrapper. 1978 First edition, The Scolar Press. |
Bedi, Rajesh (photographs). SIKKIM. |
£16.00 |
103pp. 4to. Landscape. Text by Pushpesh Pant and Asharani Mathur. 75 superb colour photographs. Fine in near-fine dw. 1989 First edition, Brijbasi, New Delhi. |
Beny, Roloff (photographs). RAJASTHAN. |
£21.00 |
200pp. 4to. Index. 103 superb colour photographs. Text by Sylvia Matheson. Fine in fine dw. 1984 First edition, Frederick Muller. |
£12.00 |
111pp. 4to. Wrappers. Colour-illustrated sale catalogue. 404 items. Fine. 26 October 2007 |
£12.00 |
155pp. 4to. Wrappers. Colour-illustrated sale catalogue. 448 items. Fine. 8 October 2008 |
£12.00 |
68pp. 4to. Wrappers. Colour-illustrated sale catalogue. 265 items. Fine. 9 April 2008. |
£12.00 |
The Collection of Kanwardip Gujral. 77pp. 4to. Wrappers. Fully illustrated sale catalogue. 161 items. Fine. 19 April 2008. |
£24.00 |
182pp. Card wrappers. Reprint of Bourne's letters to 'The British Journal of Photography' with a full catalogue of his Indian photographs. Illustrated with his photographs. Edited by Hugh Ashley Rayner. The wrappers are curling. Otherwise fine. 2004 Second enlarged edition, Pagoda Tree Press, Bath. |
Clements, Alan and Kean, Leslie. BURMA'S REVOLUTION OF THE SPIRIT. |
£21.00 |
The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity. 112pp. 4to. Photographs mostly in colour. Fine in fine dw. 1994 First, Aperture Books, New York. |
Dalmau, Tito (photographs). RAJASTHAN: HOUSES AND MEN. |
£24.00 |
175pp. 4to. Landscape. Short text, map and excellent colour photographs. In red cloth with photographs laid on front board. Fine. 2007 Contrasto, Rome. |
Desmond, Ray (edits). VICTORIAN INDIA IN FOCUS. |
£22.00 |
A selection of early photographs from the collection in the India Office Library and Records. 4to landscape. 100pp. 79 full-page illustrations. With text and captions on photography in India and on the social context. Fine in fine dw. 1982 First edition, HMSO. |
Dupont, Stephen (photographs). STEAM. |
£14.00 |
India's Last Steam Trains. 4to. 55 dramatic b/w photographs of trains and railway workers. Introduction by Mark Tully. Fine in pictorial boards. 1999, Dewi Lewis, Stockport. |
£10.00 |
128pp. 154 b/w photographs annotated. 39 relate to the army in India. Very good in dustwrapper with faded spine panel. 1975 First edition, Batsford. |
£5.00 |
128pp. 154 b/w photographs annotated. 39 relate to the army in India. Identical to original edition. Fine in dustwrapper with faded spine panel. No date (c1975), Bookclub edition. |
Falconer, John. INDIA: PIONEERING PHOTOGRAPHERS 1850-1900. |
£55.00 |
143pp. Card covers. Profusely illustrated. Catalogue of exhibition at the Brunei Gallery SOAS. Fine. 2001 First edition, The British Library. |
Fass, Virginia (photographs). THE FORTS OF INDIA. |
£25.00 |
287pp. 4to. Index. Over 250 photographs in colour and black and white. Short text and plans. Over 40 fortified places visited, some little known. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1986 First edition, Collins. |
Fass, Virginia (photographs). THE FORTS OF INDIA. |
£30.00 |
287pp. 4to Index. Over 250 photographs in colour and black and white. Short text and plans. Over 40 fortified places visited, some little known. Presentation copy inscribed and signed by Virginia Fass on the title page. Fine in fine dw. 1986 First edition, Collins. |
Fass, Virginia (photographs). THE FORTS OF INDIA. |
£10.00 |
287pp. 4to Index. Over 250 photographs in colour and black and white. Short text and plans. Over 40 fortified places visited, some little known. Signed by Virginia Fass on the title page. Book in excellent condition but it has been signed in Delhi on the half title by members of a group to a leaving member. Dustwrapper complete but a little faded with some wear to the top edge. 1986 First edition, Collins. |
£15.00 |
An Indian Widlife Photographer's Diary 158pp. 4to. 87 b/w photographs. Accounts of nine wildlife sanctuaries. Fine in fine dw. 1983 First edition, Gollancz. |
Godden, Jon and Rumer. SHIVA'S PIGEONS. |
£18.00 |
An Experience of India. 372pp. Many black and white photographs by Stella Snead. Near-fine in fine dw. Owner's name 1972 First edition, Chatto & Windus. |
Godden, Jon and Rumer. SHIVA'S PIGEONS. |
£14.00 |
An Experience of India. 372pp. Many black and white photographs by Stella Snead. Very good in very good dw. Slightly musty. 1972 First edition, Chatto & Windus. |
Gollings, John (photographs). CITY OF VICTORY. |
£22.00 |
Vijayanagara, the Medieval Capital of Southern India. 118pp. Index. 4to. Superb b/w photographs with long essay and detailed plans and descriptions of the buildings. Presentation inscription. Otherwise fine in fine dw. 1991 First edition, Aperture, New York. |
Green Hearts Environment Network. THE SKETCH OF A RIVER: THE AYEYARWADY. |
£25.00 |
190pp. 4to landscape. Short text and captions in Burmese and English to over 250 colour photographs of the Irrawaddy from the Himalayas to the ocean. A collection of photographs by Burmese photographers exhibited in 2010 Very good indeed in like dustwrapper. No date (after 2010), Green Hearts, Burma. |
Gupta, Sunil (edits). AN ECONOMY OF SIGNS. |
£16.00 |
Contemporary Indian Photographs. 116pp. Published to accompany an exhibition at The Photographers Gallery. Profusely illustrated in colour and black and white by eight contemporary photographers. Card covers. Very good. 1990 First edition, Rivers Oram Press. |
Hasan, Mushirul. THE NEHRUS. |
£14.00 |
Personal Histories. 320pp. Text illlustrated with superb photographs from family collections. Fine in fine dw. 2006 First edition, Mercury Books. |
Herzog, Lena (photographs). PILGRIMS: BECOMING THE PATH ITSELF. |
£10.00 |
177pp. 4to. Landscape. Colour photographs taken at Bodhgaya nd Mount Kailash. Text by Werner Herzog. Fine in fine dw. 2002 First edition, Arcperiplus. |
Hicks, Roger. HIDDEN TIBET. |
£10.00 |
The Land and its People. 148pp. Archive and modern photographs in b/w. Commentary to photographs by biographer of Dalai Lama who was able to select from The Library of Tibet and the Dalai Lama's personal collection. In soft covers. Fine. 1988 First edition, Element Books. |
Hurlimann, Martin. INDIA. |
£22.00 |
331pp. 4to. Index. 352 photographs 27 in colour, mostly full-page. Near-fine in like dw. An outstanding copy. 1967 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
£35.00 |
144pp. 4to. Account of his trips all over India illustrated with over 100 b/w photographs from the previous thirty years Fine in very good dustwrapper. 1993 First edition, Oxford University Press, Calcutta. |
Johnson, Robert Flynn et al. REVERIE AND REALITY. |
£55.00 |
Nineteenth-Century Photographs of India from the Ehrenfeld Collection. 188pp. Index. 122 items catalogued and illustrated. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2003 Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. |
Johnson, Russell and Moran, Kerry. THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF TIBET. |
£21.00 |
On Pilgrimage to Kailas. 122pp. Magnificent colour photographs. The author and photographer completed the circuit of the mountain seven and ten times. Fine in fine dw. 1989 First US., Rochester, Vermont. |
Johnson, Russell and Moran, Kerry. KAILAS: THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF TIBET. |
£21.00 |
On Pilgrimage to Kailas. 129pp. Magnificent colour photographs. The author and photographer completed the circuit of the mountain seven and ten times. Fine in fine dw. 1989 First edition, Thames and Hudson. |
Kaur, Sharan et al. SACRED INDIA. |
£10.00 |
166pp. Index. 4to landscape. Limp covers. Foreword by William Dalrymple. About 200 superb colour photographs by Richard I'Anson. and others. Fine. 2002 Reprint, Lonely Planet Publications, Australia. |
Kelly, Thomas L. (photographs) and Dunham, Caroll. THE HIDDEN HIMALAYAS. |
£25.00 |
200pp. The four seasons in the village and valley of Humla in remote north west Nepal recorded in stunning colour photographs and short but vivid text. Fine in fine dw. 1987 First edition, Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris.. |
Kelly, Thomas L. (photographs) and Dunham, Caroll. THE HIDDEN HIMALAYAS. |
£28.00 |
200pp. The four seasons in the village and valley of Humla in remote north west Nepal recorded in stunning colour photographs and short but vivid text. Presentation copy signed by the photographer. Fine in fine dw. 1987 First edition, Abbeville Press, New York. |
Kelly, Thomas L. (photographs) and Roberts, Patricia. KATHMANDU. |
£21.00 |
City on the Edge of the World. 197pp. The everyday life of the city recorded in superb colour photographs and illuminated by excellent short text. Fine in fine dw. 1989 First edition, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. |
Khan, Pervez A. (photographs). WONDERS OF THE KARAKORUM. |
£32.00 |
160pp. 4to. Short text and colour photographs by mountaineer-photographer. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1996 First edition, Ferozsons, Lahore. |
Khanna, Dinesh (photographs) BAZAAR. |
£18.00 |
Tall 4to. Outstanding colour photography. Fine in fine dw. 2001 First edition, Viking, New Delhi. |
Khullar, Rupinder (photographs). THE SPLENDOUR OF SOUTH INDIA. |
£10.00 |
112pp. 4to. Short text by S.Muthiah. 120 colour photographs. Fine in fine dw. 1992 First edition, UBSPD New Delhi. |
Kling, Kevin (photographs). TIBET. |
£10.00 |
Brief text and 96 photographs, 91 in colour. Card covers. Wrappers curling a little. 1990 Thames & Hudson. |
£24.00 |
228pp. 4to. 154 colour photographs. Fine in near-fine dw. 1992 First editiont, Mapin, Ahmedabad. |
£25.00 |
Posing for Posterity. 256pp. Photographs of Indian princes in colour and monochrome. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2012 Rili Books, New Delhi. |
Langlands, Ben and Bell, Nikki. THE HOUSE OF OSAMA BIN LADEN. |
£10.00 |
297pp. Card covers.297 colour photographs of Afghanistan in 2002. Shown in exhibitions in London. Corners slightly rubbed. 2004 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
Lewis, Charles and Karoki. MEHRAULI. |
£22.00 |
A View from the Qutb. 151pp. 4to landscape. Account of South Delhi village with excellent colour photographs by Karoki Lewis. Presentation copy inscribed 'Charles', presumably the author. Fine hardback in fine dustwrapper. 2002 HarperCollins, New Delhi. |
Lloyd, Barbara (photographs). THE COLOURS OF SOUTHERN INDIA. |
£13.00 |
160pp. Card covers. 145 colour photographs. Fine. 1999 Thames & Hudson. |
Lloyd, Valerie. ROGER FENTON. |
£15.00 |
Photographer of the 1850s. 184pp. 4to. Card-covered exhibition catalogue. 150pp b/w plates. Very good indeed. 1988 South Bank Board. |
Mahapatra, Jayanta. ORISSA. |
£13.00 |
Short text and 62 plates in colour of photographs by Jean-Louis Nou. Fine. Owner's name. 1987 First edition, Lustre Press, New Delhi. |
Michaud, Rowland and Sabrina. CARAVANS TO TARTARY. |
£10.00 |
76 superb colour photographs of traditional life in Afghanistan. Map. Card covers. Fine. 1985 Thames & Hudson. |
Michaud, Rowland and Sabrina. CARAVANS TO TARTARY. |
£25.00 |
76 superb colour photographs of traditional life in Afghanistan. Map. Fine in fine dw. 1978 First edition, The Viking Press, New York. |
Michell, George et al, Collings, John (photographs). KASHGAR. |
£16.00 |
Oasis City on China's Old Silk Road. 160pp. 4to. A book of beautiful colour photoghaphs with a short text by leading academics. Near-fine in like dustwrapper. A few specks of white on boards 2008 First edition, Frances Lincoln. |
£120.00 |
Views of a British Hill Station. 210pp. 4to landscape. A wonderful collection of archive photographs with well-researched commentary. Fine in fine dustwrapper.. 2002 First edition, Amur Maple Books, Washington. |
Mitidieri, Dario (photographs). THE CHILDREN OF BOMBAY. |
£13.00 |
4to. 15pp + 68 striking b/w photographs of street children. Card covers. Very good. Binding a little slack. 1994 Dewi Lewis. |
Mitidieri, Dario (photographs). THE CHILDREN OF BOMBAY. |
£21.00 |
4to. 15pp + 68 striking b/w photographs of street children. Fine in fine dw. 1994 First edition, Dewi Lewis |
Moore, Elizabeth et al (edit) SHWEDAGON. |
£24.00 |
Golden Pagoda of Myanmar. 191pp. 4to landscape. Index. 235 illustations 175 in colour. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1999 First edition, Thames and Hudson. |
Mukandan, Monisha. TAJ MAHAL AND MUGHAL AGRA. |
£10.00 |
80pp. 4to. Very short text and colour photographs by Rupinder Khullar. Owner's name. Otherwise fine. 1989 First edition, Prakash Books, New Delhi. |
Nath, Aman and Wacziarg, Francis. ARTS AND CRAFTS OF RAJASTHAN. |
£23.00 |
228pp. 4to. 167 colour photographs. Covers painting, textiles, jewellery, metalwork etc. Fine in fine dw. 1987 First edition, Thames & Hudson |
National Army Museum. THE ARMY IN INDIA. |
£28.00 |
A Photographic Record 1850-1914. 142 photographs, many remarkable, reproduced and annotated. Very good in like dw. 1968 First edition, Hutchinson. |
National Army Museum. THE ARMY IN INDIA. |
£32.00 |
A Photographic Record 1850-1914. 142 photographs, many remarkable, reproduced and annotated. Fine in fine dustwrapper.. 1968 First edition, Hutchinson. |
Nawrath, Alfred. IMMORTAL INDIA. |
£13.00 |
150pp. 4to. Index of places. Folding map. 12 colour and 106 black and white photographic plates. Printed in Vienna. Fine photographs, mainly architectural. Near-fine. 1956 First Bombay. |
£18.00 |
176pp. 4to. A biography and beautifully printed b/w photographs. Fine in fine dustwrapper. No date (c1980), Revised edition, Aperture. |
Page, Tim (photographs). SRI LANKA. |
£21.00 |
Large format. 92 superb full-page colour photographs. Short text. Fine in very good dw. 1984 First edition, Colombo. |
£12.00 |
150pp. Landscape. Over 200 annotated archive b/w photographs. Fine in fine dustwrapper. An excellent copy. 1994 Second edition, Hai Feng Publishing Co., Hong Kong. |
Pao, Basil (photographs). INSIDE 'HIMALAYA'. |
£5.00 |
200pp. 4to. Over 300 superb colour photographs taken during the journey to film Michael Palin's television series 'Himalaya'. Palin only appears in two of them. Fine in fine dw. 2004 First edition, Ted Smart. |
Patnaik, Naveen. A DESERT KINGDOM. |
£25.00 |
The Rajputs of Bikaner. 120pp. 4to landscape. Fine archive photographs. Fine in fine dw. 1990 First edition, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. |
Perry, Art. THE TIBETANS. |
£25.00 |
153pp. 4to. 77 black and white photographs. Caption index. Fine in very good dw. 1999, First, Viking Studio, New York. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). THE SIKHS. |
£25.00 |
144pp. 4to. 100pp of colour photograhs and a short text by Khushwant Singh. Fine in very good dw. Spine panel of white wrapper darkening. 1984 First edition, Lustre Press, Varanasi. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). INDIRA GANDHI. |
£22.00 |
144pp. 4to. Short text by Pupul Jayakar. 75 b/w photographs by highly-praised photographer, 21 of them double-spread. Very good indeed in very good dw with a little loss to rear panel. 1985 First, Lustre Press, New Delhi. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). DREAMS OF INDIA. |
£31.00 |
192pp. Index. 4to. Large format collection of 120 superb colour photographs, many of them very large double page images. Fine in fine dw. Small inscription. 1988 First edition, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). THE SIKHS. |
£49.00 |
144pp. 4to. 100pp of colour photograhs and a short text by Khushwant Singh. Fine in fine dw. 1984 First edition, Lustre Press, Varanasi. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). FAITH AND COMPASSION. |
£21.00 |
The Life and Work of Mother Teresa. 192pp. 4to landscape. Text by Navin Chawla. Many fine photographs in b/w. Fine in fine dw. 1996 First edition, Element Books, Shaftesbury. |
Rai, Raghu (photographs). INDIA. |
£32.00 |
Reflections in Colour. 192pp. Large 4to landscape. Many fine colour photographs. Superb quality both photographs and printing. Fine in fine dw. 2008 First edition, Haus Publishing. |
Ray-Jones, Tony. ONLY IN ENGLAND. |
£35.00 |
Photographs by Tony Ray-Jones. 102pp. Card covers. B/w photographs from the 1960s. Very good indeed. 2013, Media Space, National Media Museum, Bradford. |
Simpson, Donald and Lyon, Peter. COMMONWEALTH IN FOCUS. |
£10.00 |
130 Years of Photographic History. 125pp. 4to. 102 b/w photographs. Exhibition catalogue. Index of photographers with biographical notes. Covers all Commonwealth countries. Fine in laminated boards. 1982 Australia Council and Royal Commonwealth Society. |
Singh, Khushwant and Rai, Raghu (photographs). DELHI. |
£18.00 |
A Portrait. 4to. 46pp by the distinguished journalist and 32 photographs in colour and 55 in b/w by Raghu Rai. Fine in fine dustwrapper.. 1983 First edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi. |
Singh, Khushwant and Rai, Raghu (photographs). DELHI. |
£18.00 |
A Portrait. 4to. 46pp by the distinguished journalist and 32 photographs in colour and 55 in b/w by Raghu Rai. Fine in fine dustwrapper.. 1983 First edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). THE GANGES. |
£20.00 |
4to landscape. 123 fine colour photographs. Fine in fine dw. 1992 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). THE GRAND TRUNK ROAD. |
£28.00 |
A Passage through India. 4to landscape. 111 superb full-page colour photographs and an historical essay by Jean Deloche. Fine in fine dw. 1995 First edition, Andre Deutsch. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). BANARAS. |
£25.00 |
Sacred City of India. 96pp. 4to landscape. 96 superb colour photographs. Fine in fine dw 1987 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). KASHMIR. |
£21.00 |
Garden of the Himalayas. 4to landscape. Introduction and 80 superb colour photographs. Fine in very good dw. 1983 First edition, The Perennial Press, Hong Kong. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). GANGA. |
£28.00 |
Sacred River of India. 4to. Introduction by Eric Newby. Many fine colour photographs. Fine in fine dw. A lovely copy. 1974 First edition, Perennial Press, Hong Kong. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). THE GANGES. |
£15.00 |
4to. 123 fine colour photographs. Fine in near-fine dw. 1992 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). CALCUTTA. |
£18.00 |
128pp. 4to. Fine colour photographs of Calcutta people. Short text by Joseph Lelyveld. An excellent copy in dustwrapper with tear and creasing to the rear panel. 1975 First edition, Hong Kong. |
Singh, Raghubir (photographs). KASHMIR. |
£14.00 |
Garden of the Himalayas. 4to landscape. Full-size paperback edition. Introduction and 78 superb colour photographs. Fine. 1987 Thames & Hudson. |
Singh, Raghubir. RAJASTHAN. |
£25.00 |
India's enchanted land. 4to landscape. Introduction by Satyajit Ray and 80 lovely colour photographs by distinguished Indian photographer. Fine in fine dw. 1981 First edition, Thames & Hudson. |
£16.00 |
Wild Tigers, Co-predators and Prey Species. 256pp. Index. Many colour photographs by leading Indian wildlife photographer. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2003 First edition, Salamander. |
£10.00 |
181pp. Map. Profusely illustrated with the author's photographs. Card covers. Very good. 1996 First, Weatherhill, New York. |
Swift, Hugh (photographs). THE TRAVELER. |
£12.00 |
An American Odyssey in the Himalayas. 102pp. 4to landscape. 56 colour photograhs. Text by Eric Hansen. Fine in near-fine dw. 1993 First edition, Sierra Club, San Francisco. |
Tasveer Galleries. MAHARAJAS. |
£15.00 |
63pp. Large 8vo. Card covers. 28 full-page finely printed studio portraits of princes Very good indeed. No date (c1990). |
The Royal Photographic Society. TRAVELLERS IN TIME. |
£12.00 |
Asia in the Nineteenth Century: A Book of Postcards. 30 large postcards of classic photographs with introduction and attribution. 14 by Samuel Bourne. Fine. Pomegranite Art Books, San Francisco. |
Theroux, Paul and McCurry, Steve. THE IMPERIAL WAY. |
£10.00 |
Making Tracks from Peshawar to Chittagong. 143pp. The experience of railways from Pakistan through India to Bangladesh. With magnificent colour photographs by Steve McCurry. Fine in near-fine dw. 1985 First edition, Hamish Hamilton. |
Theroux, Paul. THE IMPERIAL WAY. |
£13.00 |
By Rail from Peshawar to Chittagong. 143pp. The experience of railways from Pakistan through India to Bangladesh. With magnificent colour photographs by Steve McCurrry. Fine in fine dw. 1985 First US edition, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. |
Wahid, Siddiq. LADAKH. |
£14.00 |
Between Earth and Sky. 4to. 107pp. Many full-page colour photographs by Kenneth Storm. Fine in fine dw. 1981 First edition, Edita, Lausanne. |
£16.00 |
160pp. 4to. Map. 61 plates of superb colour photographs. Fine in fine dw. 1970 First edition, Friends of the Earth, San Francisco. |
£19.00 |
192pp. Index. 4to landscape. About 200 superb colour photographs by Richard I'Anson. Rickshaws their drivers, design and maintenace across South and East Asia. Sections on Agra, Calcutta, Dhaka and Rangoon. Fine in very good dw. A lovely book. 1998 First edition, Lonely Planet Publications, Australia. |
£22.00 |
192pp. Index. 4to landscape. About 200 superb colour photographs by Richard I'Anson. Rickshaws their drivers, design and maintenace across South and East Asia. Sections on Agra, Calcutta, Dhaka and Rangoon. Signed by the photographer. Fine in fine dw. A lovely book. 1998 First edition, Lonely Planet Publications, Australia. |
Wild, Antony. REMAINS OF THE RAJ. |
£15.00 |
The British Legacy in India. 240pp. Index. 4to. Excellent colour photography. Very good in very good dw. 2001 First edition, HarperCollins. |
Willison, Bert (photographs) and Bourke, Shirley PEOPLE WITHIN A LANDSCAPE. |
£12.00 |
A Collection of Images of Nepal. 128pp. 4to landscape. 200 excellent colour photographs. From the perspective of trekkers not climbers. Fine in fine dw. 1996 Reprint, The Mountaineers, Seattle. |
Winter, Gordon. A COUNTRY CAMERA 1844-1914. |
£10.00 |
120pp. Index. Archive photographs on every page. Very good in worn dw. 1966 First edition, Country Life |
Worswick, Clark. THE LAST EMPIRE. |
£18.00 |
Photography in British India, 1855-1911. 150pp. 4to landscape. Essay on the photographers and 120pp of photographs. Fine in chipped dw with one short tear. 1976 Second printing, Aperture Books. |
Wright, Alison. THE SPIRIT OF TIBET. |
£5.00 |
Portrait of a Culture in Exile. Large format paperback. Tibetan culture in India. 176 colour plates with foreword by the Dalai Lama. Two small tears to rear card cover, otherwise very good indeed. 1998 First Snow Lion, Ithaca, New York. |