Alder, Gary. BEYOND BOKHARA. | £35.00 | |||||
The Life of William Moorcroft, Asian Explorer and Pioneer Veterinary Surgeon. 417pp. Index. 3 maps. Illustrations in b/w. very good hardback in fine dustwrapper. An excellent copy. 1985 First edition, Century. | ||||||
Alder, Gary. BEYOND BOKHARA. | £40.00 | |||||
The Life of William Moorcroft, Asian Explorer and Pioneer Veterinary Surgeon. 417pp. Index. 3 maps. Illustrations in b/w. Fine hardback in fine dustwrapper. 1985 First edition, Century. | ||||||
Alder, Gary. BEYOND BOKHARA. | £38.00 | |||||
The Life of William Moorcroft, Asian Explorer and Pioneer Veterinary Surgeon. 417pp. Index. 3 maps. Illustrations in b/w. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1985 First edition, Century. | ||||||
570pp. Index. 83 b/w illustrations and a folding map. High quality facsimile reprint of 1860 original. Fine. An excellent copy. 1971 Gregg International. | ||||||
Bailey, Lt.-Col. F.M. MISSION TO TASHKENT. | £10.00 | |||||
269pp. Index. 32 b/w photographs. An amazing story of a British agent's escape to Persia from the Bolsheviks of Tashkent. Edited with an introduction and epilogue revised by Peter Hopkirk in 1992. Fine. 2002 Third printing, Folio Society. | ||||||
Bobrick, Benson. EAST OF THE SUN. | £5.00 | |||||
The Conquest and Settlement of Siberia. 542pp. Index. 40 b/w illustrations. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1992 First edition, Heinemann. | ||||||
Botting, Douglas. ONE CHILLY SIBERIAN MORNING. | £5.00 | |||||
Travels across the Soviet Union from the Caucasus to the Far East. Fine in chipped dustwrapper.. 1965 First edition, Hodder and Stoughton. | ||||||
Braithwaite, Rodric. AFGANTSY. | £16.00 | |||||
The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-1989. 417pp. Index. 4 maps. Photographs in colour and b/w. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2011 First edition, Profile Books. | ||||||
Caroe, Olaf. SOVIET EMPIRE. | £24.00 | |||||
The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. 300pp. Index. 4 maps. By the last British Governor of the North-West Frontier Province. Very good in chipped dustwrapper. 1953 First edition, Macmillan. | ||||||
Curzon, George Nathaniel. TRAVELS WITH A SUPERIOR PERSON. | £12.00 | |||||
191pp. 90 contemporary photographs. Edited by Peter King. Includes a long section from `Russia in Central Asia' (1889), the account of his journey to Samarkand via Berlin and Moscow. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1985 First edition, Sidgwick & Jackson. | ||||||
Dale, Stephen Frederick. INDIAN MERCHANTS AND EURASIAN TRADE 1600-1750. | £32.00 | |||||
162pp. Index. Study of the penetration of Iran, Central Asia and Russia by Indian merchant families. Fine in fine dw. 1994 First edition, Canbridge University Press. | ||||||
Dallin, David J. THE RISE OF RUSSIA IN ASIA. | £22.00 | |||||
293pp. Index. Endpaper maps and 8 others. First published by Yale University Press in 1949. Concerned with China, Japan, Korea and Manchuria. Very good indeed. 1971 Reprint, Archon Books, USA. | ||||||
Eikelman, Dale F. (edits). RUSSIA'S MUSLIM FRONTIERS. | £10.00 | |||||
New Directions in Cross-Cultural Analysis. 206pp. Index. Card covers. Papers from joint US/Russian conferences on Central Asia, Afganistan and Pakistan. Fine. 1993 Indiana University Press. | ||||||
Fielding, Nick. TRAVELLERS IN THE GREAT STEPPE. | £10.00 | |||||
From the Papal Envoys to the Russian Revolution. xiv + 318pp. Index. Illustrations in colour and b/w. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2020 First edition, Signal Books, Oxford. | ||||||
Fleming, Peter. A FORGOTTEN JOURNEY. | £22.00 | |||||
190pp. 29 b/w photographs. Diary of his Journey from Moscow to Peking in 1934. Very good in chipped dw. 1952 First edition, Rupert Hart-Davis. | ||||||
Fleming, Peter. THE FATE OF ADMIRAL KOLCHAK. | £22.00 | |||||
253pp. Index. 24 photographs and 4 maps. The retreat of the White Russian forces into Siberia 1918-19. Fine in fine dustwrapper. A lovely copy. 1963 First edition, Rupert Hart-Davis. | ||||||
Golowanjuk, Jascha. MY GOLDEN ROAD FROM SAMARKAND. | £5.00 | |||||
202pp. Endpaper maps. Novel. Family escapes the Bolsheviks in Samarkand across the desert to the Caspian. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1993 First edition, Quartet. | ||||||
Graham, Stephen. RUSSIA AND THE WORLD. | £31.00 | |||||
A Study of the War and a Statement of the World-problems that now confront Russia and Great Britain. 260pp. News of the outbreak of war in 1914 reaches the author on the Mongolian Frontier. He returns via Moscow and Poland. Very good indeed. 1915 First Cassell. | ||||||
Graham, Stephen. A TRAMP'S SKETCHES. | £13.00 | |||||
339pp. 'Along the shores of the Black Sea on a pilgrimge with Russian peasants to Jerusalem.' A continuation of 'Undiscovered Russia'. Very good. 1912 First edition, Macmillan. | ||||||
Hannigan, Tim. MURDER IN THE HINDU KUSH. | £12.00 | |||||
George Hayward and the Great Game. 254pp. Index. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 2011 First edition, The History Press. | ||||||
Hopkirk, Kathleen. A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION TO CENTRAL ASIA. | £24.00 | |||||
292pp. Index. 16 b/w illustrations and 2 maps. Not an out of date guide book but an excellent history of all the principal places a traveller might visit. Fine in near-fine dustwrapper. 1993 First edition, John Murray. | ||||||
Hopkirk, Kathleen. A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION TO CENTRAL ASIA. | £12.00 | |||||
292pp. Index. 16 b/w illustrations and 2 maps. Paperback edition. Not an out of date guide book but an excellent history of all the principal places a traveller might visit. Very good. 1993 John Murray. | ||||||
Hopkirk, Peter. SETTING THE EAST ABLAZE. | £30.00 | |||||
Lenin's Dream of an Empire in Asia. 252pp. Index. 27 b/w illustrations and 2 maps. Very good in very good dustwrapper 1984 First edition, John Murray. | ||||||
Ilin, M. MEN AND MOUNTAINS. | £13.00 | |||||
Man's Victory over Nature. 330pp. Scienific optimism on Soviet development in Central Asia and Siberia. 6 illustrations in colour and 116 in the text. Translated from the Russian by Beatrice Kinkead. Very good in remains of dw. 1935 First Lippincott, Philadelphia. | ||||||
Kalter, Johannes. THE ARTS AND CRAFTS OF TURKESTAN | £16.00 | |||||
167pp. Illustrated account of craft traditions. Many photographs in colour and b/w. Fine in laminated boards. 1984 First edition, Thames & Hudson. | ||||||
Kunitz, Joshua. DAWN OVER SAMARKAND. | £13.00 | |||||
The Rebirth of Central Asia. 348pp. The triumph of revolution and socialism in Central Asia. Very good. Yellow boards a little grubby. 1936 First edition, Lawrence and Wishart. | ||||||
Leach, Hugh and Farrington, Susan Maria. STROLLING ABOUT ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD. | £24.00 | |||||
The First Hundred Years of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs (formerly Royal Central Asian Society). 229pp. Index. Many b/w photographs from the Society's archives. Extraordinary and eccentric lives. Fine in fine dw. 2003 First edition, Routledge Curzon. | ||||||
Levine, Emma. A GAME OF POLO WITH A HEADLESS GOAT | £5.00 | |||||
and other bizarre sports discovered across Asia. 312pp. Many photographs in colour and b/w. Traditional sports in Turkey, Central Asia, India and Pakistan. Paperback. Fine. 2003 Andre Deutsch. | ||||||
Lieven, Anatol. CHECHNYA. | £10.00 | |||||
Tombstone of Russian Power. 436pp. Index. Paperback edition. Fine. 1999 Yale University Press. | ||||||
Maclean, Fitzroy. A PERSON FROM ENGLAND. | £10.00 | |||||
and Other Travellers. 384pp. Book club edition. Fully illustrated. The story of the early visitors to Turkestan. Very good. 1959 Readers Union. | ||||||
Maclean, Fitzroy. TO THE BACK OF BEYOND. | £15.00 | |||||
An Illustrated Companion to Central Asia and Mongolia. 144pp. Index. Photographs in colour and black and white. Very good indeed in like dustwrapper 1974 First edition, Jonathan Cape. | ||||||
Military Correspondent of the Times. THE WAR IN THE FAR EAST 1904-1905. | £24.00 | |||||
656pp. Index. 12 portraits and 18 maps mailly folding. With the armorial bookplate of Major-General Sir Edward Sinclair May. A very detailed account of the Russo-Japanese War. Internally clean and complete but hinges slack and head of spine frayed. 1905 First edition, John Murray. | ||||||
Moorhouse, Geoffrey. APPLES IN THE SNOW. | £10.00 | |||||
A Journey to Samarkand. 189pp. Endpaper maps. Signed by the author on the title page. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1990 First edition, Hodder. | ||||||
Nazaroff, Paul. KAPCHIGAI DEFILE. | £5.00 | |||||
The Journal of Paul Nazaroff. Diary of his escape to Kashgar. 127pp. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1980 First edition, Athenaeum. | ||||||
Ossendowski, Ferdinand. FROM PRESIDENT TO PRISON. | £25.00 | |||||
338pp. Experiences of the revolution of 1905 in Siberia. Very good indeed. Inscriptions. 1925 First Allen & Unwin. | ||||||
Paine, Sheila. THE GOLDEN HORDE. | £14.00 | |||||
Travels from the Himalaya to the Karpathos. 303pp. Index. Journeys through Russia and Central Asia tracing the roots of Indo-European civilization. Fine in fine dw. 1997 First edition, Michael Joseph. | ||||||
Pierce, Richard A. (edits). MISSION TO TURKESTAN: | £35.00 | |||||
Being the Memoirs of Count K,K,Pahlen 1908-1909. 241pp. Index. Endpaper maps. Fine in fine dustwrapper. A lovely copy. 1964 First edition, Oxford University Press. | ||||||
Popowski, Jozef THE RIVAL POWERS IN CENTRAL ASIA or the Struggle between England and Russia in the East. | £12.00 | |||||
235pp. Index. Card covers. Facsimile reprint of 1893 original which was translated from the German by Arthur Baring Brabant. Map not copied. Fine. 2005 Elibron Classics. | ||||||
Seaton, Albert. THE HORSEMEN OF THE STEPPES. | £14.00 | |||||
The Story of the Cossacks. 268pp. Index. Notes, maps, references and bibliography. In plain black cloth. Very good in fine dw. 1985 First, Bodley Head. | ||||||
Shah, Idries. THE COMMANDING SELF. | £10.00 | |||||
332pp. Question and answer introduction to Sufi ides. 1994 reprint, The Octagon Press. | ||||||
102pp. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1986 Reprint, The Octagon Press. | ||||||
Shinkarev, Leonid. THE LAND BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS. | £10.00 | |||||
Siberia and its Peoples Today. 246pp. Index. 32 b/w photographs. An exploration of history, development and culture. Fine in fine dw. 1973 First Hart-Davis. | ||||||
Svanberg, Ingvar (edits). CONTEMPORARY KAZAKS. | £14.00 | |||||
Cultural and Social Perspectives. 152pp. Index. 12 b/w illustrations. Fine in fine dw. 1999 First Curzon Press. | ||||||
Swinson, Arthur. BEYOND THE FRONTIERS. | £36.00 | |||||
The Biography of Colonel F.M.Bailey, Explorer and Secret Agent. 246pp. Index. Very good in slightly chipped dustwrapper. 1971 First edition, Hutchinson. | ||||||
Swinson, Arthur. BEYOND THE FRONTIERS. | £65.00 | |||||
The Biography of Colonel F.M.Bailey, Explorer and Secret Agent. 246pp. Index. 16 b/w photographs and 4 maps. Fine in fine dustwrapper. An outstanding copy. 1971 First edition, Hutchinson. | ||||||
Taheri, Amir. CRESCENT IN A RED SKY. | £13.00 | |||||
The Future of Islam in the Soviet Union. 287pp. Index. Fine in fine dw. 1989 First edition, Hutchinson. | ||||||
Teague-Jones, Reginald. THE SPY WHO DISAPPEARED. | £18.00 | |||||
Diary of a Secret Mission to Central Asia in 1918. 216pp. Introduction and Epilogue by Peter Hopkirk. Astonishing story revealed on the death of spy aged 99. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1990 First edition, Gollancz. | ||||||
Thorburn, S.S. ASIATIC NEIGHBOURS. | £14.00 | |||||
315pp. Index. Facsimile reprint of 1894 original. A study of policy on and beyond the North-West Frontier. Fine in fine dw. 1996 New Delhi. | ||||||
Thubron, Colin. AMONG THE RUSSIANS. | £5.00 | |||||
212pp. Travels from the Baltic to the Caucasus. Very good in very good dustwrapper with faded spine panel. 1983 Reprint, Heinemann. | ||||||
Thubron, Colin. THE LOST HEART OF ASIA. | £12.00 | |||||
374pp. Index. Travels in the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. Fine in fine dw. 1994 First edition, Heinemann. | ||||||
Thubron, Colin. THE LOST HEART OF ASIA. | £5.00 | |||||
374pp. Index. Travels in the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. Fine in fine dustwrapper. Inscription. 1994 First US edition, Harper Collins. | ||||||
Thubron, Colin. THE LOST HEART OF ASIA. | £5.00 | |||||
374pp. Index. 3 maps. Travels in the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. Fine in fine dustwrapper. 1994 Reprint, Heinemann. | ||||||
Wardrop, Sir Oliver. THE KINGDOM OF GEORGIA. | £16.00 | |||||
Travel in a Land of Women, Wine and Song. 202pp. 17 b/w ilustrations and 3 maps. Facsimile reprint of 1888 original. Fine in fine dw. 1977 Luzac & Co. | ||||||
Whitfield, Susan. AUREL STEIN ON THE SILK ROAD. | £12.00 | |||||
143pp. Index. 68 illustrations in colour and 36 in b/w. Map in colour. Fine in fine dustwrapper.. 2004 First edition, The British Museum. | ||||||
Whittell, Giles. CENTRAL ASIA. | £6.00 | |||||
388pp. Index. Card covers. Guide to the former Soviet republics with a chapter on the Karakoram Highway. Related to history and the literature of travel Fine 1996 Revised edition, Cadogan Guides. | ||||||
Wolff, Joseph. A MISSION TO BOKHARA. | £25.00 | |||||
254pp. Index and notes. Edited and abridged, with a 50pp introduction by Guy Wint. Near-fine in very good dw. Bookplate. 1969 First thus, Routledge & Kegan Paul. | ||||||
Wolff, Joseph. NARRATIVE OF A MISSION TO BOKHARA in the Years 1843-1845 to Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. | £315.00 | |||||
429pp. In the original brown cloth. With the armorial bookplate of D.A.Campbell. Inscribed by Wolff to Campbell in Jan 1851 with a further short inscription in Persian. Spine cloth starting to crack but binding sound. 1848 Fifth edition, William Blackwood. |
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